Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Snooze Button? - Judgment

This blog has been fading into oblivion. Maybe that’s okay – maybe it needs to. It’s been interesting to write, and I’ve made a few discoveries about the Tarot as I’ve written it, but it’s been very external, very over there as I have written it – lots about the tarot and the weather, not that much about me. So, I ask myself, why should it be about me? What interest (or even perhaps business) is that of other people’s?

And then I think, well, imagine a no-reader blog. Suppose no one at all were reading this. What purpose would it have served? Is an artefact any use if no one uses it? Well, the Pharaohs certainly thought so, packing up all their worldly goods for the after-life. But that’s kind of different – they were sure they were providing themselves with essentials for somewhere down the road. Wherever I end up down the road, I’m not going to be taking my blog along, that’s for sure.

So I should what, tell you about my bursitis or my digestion? Is that what I mean by personal? Taking the question seriously I take a look. What is personal in this context?

The answer comes back – talk about Angels. I have personal relationships with Beings – it might be interesting to mention that.

Angels are an interesting topic. Many healing practitioners work with Angels. I was giving this little credence until I recently received a healing/reading from a very strong practitioner who told me that a specific Angel was waiting for me to call. I did so, and felt something very sharp and clear happen. I was fighting some kind of dark/depressive energy, and suddenly there was a light sabre right in the middle of it. Light sabres aren’t part of my personal mythology – I’m fairly confident that this wasn’t just me. Was it just her? Who can say in these cases?

The Tree of Life houses Angels. The major Angels as identified in the Kabala all have homes there. It is said that in the negative reflection of the Tree of Life their dark counterparts also have homes.

When the intellectuals of the Catholic Middle Ages were struggling to incorporate a wave of classical learning (the Crusaders opened the path for intellectual exchange with the Arab world, which had taken a strong interest in Greek and Roman literature and philosophy) they had to contend with the pagan gods. The Greeks said it was true, so they couldn’t argue with it. Their creative response was to say that yes indeed all these beings existed – they were fallen angels – they fell when Satan did and became the gods of the ancient world.

An interesting implication of this is that they had actual reason to believe in these entities. This is a bit of a diversion, though, and I think I’ll save pagan gods till next time – it should help me keep the blog going.

Back to Angels. If you call, they come. This is always true. They may not do exactly what you ask them to – they have their own agendas for sure, but call, and they will come. They also come of their own accord.

Gabriel is the Divine Messenger. His mission is always freedom and change. In the Tarot he inhabits the twenty-first Path, the Path of Judgment, that calls us out of the sleep of matter and turns on the light. Metaphorically, he calls up the dead on the last day. Christians understand him as having told Mary of the coming of Jesus. Moslems understand him as having dictated the Koran to Mohammed. Call on Gabriel for absolute change, If you dare. In the Tarot work with the card called Judgment and it can be a door to knock on.

Freedom is frightening and had big implications. The coffin is a warm and snug place and sleep is seductive. Most of us (I include myself here) would like just to quietly snooze into death. There may be uneasy dreams, but let’s keep them as dreams. The utter change that Gabriel can bring – maybe not right now. But still, oh we ache for it. To wake up into the blinding brilliance that makes the manifest disappear. To really be free of the long aching sleep, to get up and stretch out our real bodies and spread our wings. Yes? No?

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